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Diskutujte! Je spousta věcí na které tu není chlíveček
Autor: Sabbina
Status: nováček

PR/ Corporate communications - a survey for professionals

Datum: 25.05.2014 20:28

Dear all professionals in communication, especially PR,

I would like to ask you kindly for a help with my thesis on the topic of Public relations and its new trends by filling in following survey:


I am aware of your business but by filling out the survey, which takes about 8-10 minutes (25 closed questions and 1 open to write a message to me), you could help me tremendously, because I need to get the minimum number of respondents for the reliability of it. In the end you can leave your e-mail and I'll send you the results.

The survey is completely ANONYMOUS.
Please if you decide to help me, try fill it out today or max until 26. 05. 2014. (my last day).
Thank you for attention and wish you a nice day!

Sabina (omlouvám se pokud tento příspěvek někoho uráží a považuje ho za spam)
University of Jan Amos Komensky, Prague
ISC Paris - Institut supérieur de commerce, Paris

Bohužel, do tohoto fóra mohou přispívat pouze přihlášení návštěvníci. přihlášení

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